new obsessions
We met Christophe Vialle at Maison Objet in Paris this spring and fell madly for one another--and his indoor garden boxes, which he calls Haute Culture. Besides grass, there are soil packs with seeds of herbs and peas, too. We've got them in colors and clear plexi. I love the mini Haute Culture boxes, too, because they can be hung on the wall, even spelling out a letter or word.

Total geek? Or Greek? These pant clips are inspired by Hermes, Greek god with the winged sandals. Amsterdam designer Gijs Bakker was aiming for bicycle safety with these fluorescent PVC strips, as well as cool. But it seems the kids snatching them up at our shop in Venice also give it glowing marks as a club/party accessory, wrapped around their arms. Love it.

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June 10, 2008 1:07 PM  (go back to main view)
The Good Citizen
Citizen-Citizen's Philip Wood and Tania Kentenjian
The Dwell-a-rama capped last night with Dos Equis and fish tacos at Malo in Silverlake with hosts Philip Wood of Citizen-Citizen and his gorgeous other half, documentary journalist Tania Kentenjian.
When I arrived, late due to the Patricia Fields lecture at LACMA (more on that later), I found Andy and a convivial bunch of fellow design junkies around the long patio table, including Walteria Living artist Kathleen Walsh, Fitz and Su Sazama of the Fitzsu Society shops, Jean Aw and Don Frysinger of Notcot, L.A. Times journo Steffie Nelson, publicist Michelle Cotton and her beau Hugh from Alexander McQueen, LuxeHaus’s Nancy Batlin and Royal/T curator Will.
Kathleen Walsh of Walteria Living and Hugh of Alexander McQueen
True, Fitzu and LuxeHaus are essentially competitors since A+R carries some of the same designers, including Walteria and Citizen. But it’s kind of amazing we can all get together over a beer and chips and talk about our shared enthusiasm for all things design.
LuxeHaus' Nancy Batlin

Michelle Cotton and Royal/T curator Will

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